Poptart had his first overnight camping experience. We spontaneously decided to go camping last night and went to Bucktail, where we set the horses up on a high-line and we were comfy in the newly-insulated horse trailer. This morning we rode out on Bucktail trail for 2.5 miles to the bridge, crossed the bridge and went down to the creek for a drink, then re-crossed and rode back to camp. We encountered a monster hiker who had a large orange pack sticking out above his head and a large black dog who also had an orange safety vest. Obviously this hiker was not a human due to the orange appendage above his head :) I anticipated this and dismounted, but both Graham and I mistakenly thought Rogan would be okay so he stayed mounted. Rogan decided the hiker actually was a horse-eating monster alien and he thought spinning and fleeing the best course of action (and of course Poptart joined Rogan in this action). Thankfully Graham stayed on and immediately brought Rogan to a stop, and both horses lived while they bravely walked past the very accommodating hiker. The only other excitement (or annoyance, LOL) was a lost easyboot, Rogan got to re-ride the complete trail (at a much faster pace!) and thankfully we found Poptart's lost hoof boot stuck in the mud at a water crossing.

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